Thursday, July 28, 2011

Two Shouts for NOT Being Sick!

Ugh. Stuck in bed for the second day in a row. I am going NUTS. I can't sleep because my body aches too much. I can't work because ummm... my body aches too much... this is just flippin' ridiculous. At least my hubby brought my laptop to my sickly vicinity last night. {while I think about all of my edits sitting on my work computer downstairs} 

So. While I wait for this dose of medicine to kick in I thought I would actually set up a place for my blog to call temporary home. And blog an entry. Nothing too exciting you see. Just my whining about BEING SICK. Ugh. I hate being sick. 

At least I was able to get in a photo shoot of the most adorable 2 year old I have ever met. {don't tell Neen or Lil G I actually said that} I actually met up with Bowen and his Mom & Dad just hours before this nasty flu hit me and the lil man gave me quite a run. {literally} He has SUCH personality - I LOVE it. Except the little stinker wouldn't smile for me! {fail} But. Even without smiles I have to say his photos are to die for.. that is one future heart breaker! 

Unfortunately, I had to cancel my sessions Wednesday and Thursday because I feel like death. And as noon approaches today I have a really bad, sinking feeling that I will have to cancel my two tomorrow. Grrrr... then to work in reschedules... pfffttt on germs.

Well, I should wrap this up and get some more rest... at least that's what I would tell my kids. Idk if it actually will help but that's the motherly in me. 

Ciao Bella!